Africa is in the Eastern part of Africa
Eastern Africa has sunrise first. The sun rises in the east, so East Africa has light before the west. There is a time difference of approximately 2 hours between East and West Africa.
Africa - in particular the Western Sarhara
There are thousands of different dialects of thousands of different languages spoken in Africa. Many have no connection to each other. In addition to these minor African Languages, Arabic and Berber are spoken in North Africa, French in many parts of West Africa, Northern Africa, Central Africa, and on Madagascar. English is spoken in Southern Africa and Sierra Leone, and is used as the Lingua Franca in much of Africa. Portuguese is spoken in parts of Angola and Mozambique, and Swahili is spoken all over Eastern Africa.
Why is Africa part of the Eastern Hemisphere?
Africa is in the Eastern part of Africa
Africa is located in the Northern Hemisphere, the Eastern Hemisphere, and the Southern Hemisphere.
Antarctica, Africa, and Europe.
All countries in Africa are in the Eastern Hemisphere.
Both, in fact the continent "Africa" as a whole is in all4 hemispheres (Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western).
More of Africa's land mass is in the eastern hemisphere. The Greenwich Meridian runs through the continent, dividing it into eastern and western hemispheres. About two-thirds of Africa falls within the eastern hemisphere, while the remaining one-third is in the western hemisphere.
Africa and Antarctica are the only continents that are both in the eastern and western hemisphere.
Yes. Western Sahara is technically in the Western hemisphere. However, it sits rather close to the Prime Meridian and is part of the African Continent which is mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere.