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Q: Is the description of the plowman positive of negative?
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Is green eyed positive or negative description?

It is a negative description. It means your either jealous, envious, or distrustful. Or all three of them

Is green-eyed a positive or negative description?

It is a negative description. It means your either jealous, envious, or distrustful. Or all three of them

What social commentary does the description of the plowman provide?

The description of the plowman as honest, hardworking, and decent in "The Canterbury Tales" serves as a commentary on the value of simplicity and integrity in society. It highlights the importance of the lower class and their contribution to society, contrasting with the corruption and greed of the higher classes. Ultimately, the plowman symbolizes virtues such as humility, diligence, and community service.

By positioning his description of the miller almost immediatley after the plowman chaucer accentuates?

By positioning the description of the miller immediately after the plowman, Chaucer accentuates the stark contrast between the two characters. The plowman is portrayed as virtuous and hardworking, while the miller is depicted as crude and dishonest. This contrast highlights the diversity and complexity of human nature within society.

What are the names of blood?

Blood names are A, B and O and you can negative and positive to that description. They are not names they are types.

Is a positive plus a negative make a positive or a negative?

Positive + Negative = Negative Negative + Negative = Positive Positive + Positive = Positive Negative + Positive = Negative

What is a negative - positive?

Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive

What is the description of whole numbers?

whole numbers are any positive or negative number that does not have a fraction or decimal point

How is dividing integers similar to multiplying integers with the resulting sign?

The rules for the sign (positive or negative) of the result of a multiplication is the same as division. For multiplication: Positive * Positive --> Positive Positive * Negative --> Negative Negative * Positive --> Negative Negative * Negative --> Positive For division: Positive / Positive --> Positive Positive / Negative --> Negative Negative / Positive --> Negative Negative / Negative --> Positive

If a negative is divided by a positive is it negative?

Yes. Negative/negative = positive Postive/Positive = positive Negative/Positive - negative

When multiplying numbers what do you do with the positive and negative signs?

Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive