No. It is the number by which you are dividing. This may be the larger or the smaller number, depending on the problem.
A divisor is the number in a division problem, that you are dividing by to get your answer.
If the divisor of a division problem is 4, any number between 0 and 3 (inclusive) can be a remainder for that problem.
The divisor oF a division problem is the number you divide by.
it's the bigger number, basically, in a division problem the divisor is the smaller one that the dividend is divided by
the divisor is the number you divide with the dividend
A divisor is the number in a division problem, that you are dividing by to get your answer.
In long division, the divisor is the number outside the division sign (it's the number that the first number is being divided by). So in this problem, the divisor would be 2.
If the divisor of a division problem is 4, any number between 0 and 3 (inclusive) can be a remainder for that problem.
The number doing the dividing in a division problem
The divisor oF a division problem is the number you divide by.
the second number