the divisor can not have that number going into the dividend anymore.
1. The divisor is the second number in a division problem. For instance 6 / 3 = 2. In this example, the divisor is 3. If you have a divisor of X, then the largest remainder possible is X-1. This is because if you had one more number in the remainder, it would form a complete count, and the remainder would go away. In the case of 2 as your divisor, think of the number 11. 11 / 2 has a remainder of 1. However, if you had one more in the remainder, you'd have 2, and that would be a complete division. (Also, the number you have to be 12.) And there would be no remainder.
A divisor is the number in a division problem, that you are dividing by to get your answer.
There are several parts to a division problem. It is easy to see them with this example. 16 divided by 3 is 5 with a remainder of 1. The number 16 is the dividend and 3 is the divisor. The 5 is the quotient and the 1 is the remainder. To see that the answer of a division problem such as this is correct, just multiply. The divisor multiplied by the quotient plus the remainder is the dividend. So 3x5+1=16 as desired. Of course sometimes you have a problem like 8 divided by 2=4. In this case 8 is the dividend and 2 is the divisor. The number 4 is the quotient. The difference here is there is no remainder.
the divisor can not have that number going into the dividend anymore.
To check the answer to a division question, multply the divisor (the number that is being divided into the dividend) and the quotient (the answer). If there is a remainder, add the remainder to the answer. If the number matches the dividend, your answer to the division problem is correct.
1. The divisor is the second number in a division problem. For instance 6 / 3 = 2. In this example, the divisor is 3. If you have a divisor of X, then the largest remainder possible is X-1. This is because if you had one more number in the remainder, it would form a complete count, and the remainder would go away. In the case of 2 as your divisor, think of the number 11. 11 / 2 has a remainder of 1. However, if you had one more in the remainder, you'd have 2, and that would be a complete division. (Also, the number you have to be 12.) And there would be no remainder.
8 is the greatest possible whole number remainder, eg seventeen divided by nine...
the divisor is the number you divide with the dividend
A divisor is the number in a division problem, that you are dividing by to get your answer.
There are several parts to a division problem. It is easy to see them with this example. 16 divided by 3 is 5 with a remainder of 1. The number 16 is the dividend and 3 is the divisor. The 5 is the quotient and the 1 is the remainder. To see that the answer of a division problem such as this is correct, just multiply. The divisor multiplied by the quotient plus the remainder is the dividend. So 3x5+1=16 as desired. Of course sometimes you have a problem like 8 divided by 2=4. In this case 8 is the dividend and 2 is the divisor. The number 4 is the quotient. The difference here is there is no remainder.
In long division, the divisor is the number outside the division sign (it's the number that the first number is being divided by). So in this problem, the divisor would be 2.
The number doing the dividing in a division problem
The divisor oF a division problem is the number you divide by.