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Parallel: 0o latitude

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Q: Is the equater parallel or meridian line?
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What is a line called that runs parallel to the equater?

A Parallel of Latitude

What is the main parallel line?

Is the prime meridian (: . I think

Is the equator a parallel or meridian?

The equator is a parallel because it is a line of latitude that circles the Earth horizontally, dividing it into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.

What is the international date line confluence meridian parallel?

meridian line of longitude 180 degress middle of the pacific ocean.

Is the equater a parallel or a meridian?

The equator is a parallel, not a meridian. It is a line of latitude that circles the Earth halfway between the North and South Poles. Meridians, on the other hand, are lines of longitude that run from the North Pole to the South Pole.

What is the name of the line that is parallel to the prime meridian?

There are no geographic lines that are parallel to the Prime Meridian. Technically, every meridian of longitude is parallel to every other meridian of longitude, but only over an infinitesimal distance north or south of the equator. I'm quite sure that's not what you're looking for.

Do prime meridian divides the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere?

no the equater does

Which one line is parallel latitude or longitude?

All 'lines' of latitude are parallel to all others.No meridian of longitude is parallel to any others.-- All 'lines' of latitude are parallel to all others.-- No meridian of longitude is parallel to any other one.

What is the parallel line of latitude similar to the prime meridian?

The equator, at latitude zero.

Is the line that marks the tropic of Capricorn a parallel or a meridian?

Parallel of latitude, as is the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator Meridians of longitude run north-south, like the IDL or Greenwich Meridian

What are the imaginary lines that run perpendicular to the prime meridian called?

equater i think

Is the equator parallel or a meridian line?

It is not. it is horizontal along with the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.