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Not usually. Given numbers a and b, the mean or average is (a + b)/2 but the geometric mean is sq rt (a X b). If both a and b equal 1, the results are the same.

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Q: Is the geometric mean the same as the mean or average of two numbers?
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Is the geometric mean of two positive numbers greater then the average of the two numbers?

Geometric mean is not the same as the maths average. It is the nth root of the product of n numbers.

Is the geometric mean the same as the mean of two numbers?

No, the geometric mean is not the same as the mean of two numbers.

What Is The Average Mean Of 3 Numbers That's 21?

The mean is generally the same as the average. (there are the geometric and harmonic means, but they need not concern most people here). The mean of 3 numbers, each of which is 21, is also 21.

What is two numbers whose geometric mean is 10?

Multiply 10 by any number except zero, then divide 10 by the same number. The geometric mean of those two numbers will be 10.

What is the geometric mean of 2 and 4?

3mean is the average, so 2 + 4 = 6; 6 / 2 = 3* * * * *The above is the arithmetic mean which is NOT the same thing as the geometric mean.The geometric mean of n non-negative numbers is the nth root of their product.So GM(2, 4) = sqrt(8) = 2.828 (approx).

Which is greater the geometric mean or the arithmetic mean of 6 and 54?

The geometric mean, if it exists, is always less than or equal to the arithmetic mean. The two are equal only if all the numbers are the same.

What is another name for average?

The mean is the same thing as the average of a group of numbers

Is the mean an the average the same thing?

no, the mean is the number that appears in the middle when placed from lowest to highest, the average is the sum of the numbers divided by the amount of numbers.

Average of numbers?

To find the average of a given set of numbers, total the numbers and divide that total by the number of members of the set.

In maths what does mean mean?

The "mean", or "mean average" in full, is obtained by adding up all the numbers and then dividing by the number of numbers there are. It is saying that if the numbers were all the same, this is what they would be.

How to find the mean in maths?

Mean is the same as average. For example, to get the average of 5 numbers, you add them all together, then divide by 5 (because there are 5 numbers).

What does the word mean mean in mathematical terms?

"Arithmetic mean" means the same as average. "Mean", without qualifiers, usually refers to the arithmetic mean. However, there are other types of "means", for example, the geometric mean.