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Q: Is the greatest integer function many to one?
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Is the absolute value function and the greatest integer function one to one?

Neither of the two are one-to-one

Does the greatest integer function have an inverse function?

Inverse of a function exists only if it is a Bijection. Bijection=Injection(one to one)+surjection (onto) function.

What is the greatest integer?

There is no greatest integer. Whatever integer you think is greatest, you can always add one (1) to it and get a larger one.

What is a piecewise function whose graph resembles a set of stair steps?

One such function is [ Y = INT(x) ]. (Y is equal to the greatest integer in ' x ')

How do you find the greatest integer on a real number line?

You cannot, because there is no greatest integer. If you thought you had one, then move just one unit to the right and you will have an integer which is greater.

Is there a greatest integer on the real number line?

No. For any integer, you can add one to get an even greater integer.

What is the greatest negetive integer?

Integers never stop. There is no single greatest one.

Does it make sense to ask which integer is the least or which integer is the greatest?

Perhaps it makes sense to ask; in any case, the answer is that there is no greatest and no smallest integer. Whatever number you choose, you can always add one to get an even larger integer; or subtract one to get an even smaller one.

How do you find the greatest integer on a number line?

The way the number line is usually drawn, the greatest integer is the one that is to the right of all the others.

What is the greatest negative integer?

The answer is -1. A negative integer is an integer to the left of zero on the number line. It is less than zero. So the greatest negative integer is -1.

Greatest integer function?

This function rounds any number down to the nearest integer. Let's use the notation GIF[x]for this site to mean greatest integer function of x. Another name for it is the floor function. So here are some examples: GIF[.9]=0 GIF[1.9]=1 Gif[-1.8]=-2 Here is one trick GIF[1.99999 where 9 repeats forever]=2 (I can not put the bar over it, but usually it would be written as 1.9 with a bar over the 9) The reason is that 1.999999999 forever is =2 so GIF[2]=2

When It is a function which occurs between two quantities such that when one quantity increases the other one increases in a definite way?

There are many such functions. For example, any function of the form y = x^a where a is an odd positive integer will do.