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Q: Is the greatest three-digit whole number even or odd?
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Is the greatest whole number odd or even?

Add one to the greatest number you can think of. The answer is either or neither. Whole numbers don't stop.

Is the greatest three digit whole number odd or even?

Odd and a multiple of three- 999

What is the greatest possible even number?

There is no such number. If N were the greatest even number then N+2 would be a greater even number. So N could not be the greatest even number.

Which is the greatest whole?

It does not exist.Proof: Indeed, suppose that this number exists, and denote it by X.Then X+1 is also a whole number (by definition of the whole numbers). So X cannot be the greatest number since X+1 is even greater, which contradicts the assumption of the first line. The same argument follows for X+1 (compared to X+2), and so on.Consequently, there is not a greatest whole number.Remark: One may consider that infinite is the greatest whole number (without such an above contradiction, since infinite+1=infinite), however infinite is not defined to be a whole number.

Which is the greatest whole number?

It does not exist.Proof: Indeed, suppose that this number exists, and denote it by X.Then X+1 is also a whole number (by definition of the whole numbers). So X cannot be the greatest number since X+1 is even greater, which contradicts the assumption of the first line. The same argument follows for X+1 (compared to X+2), and so on.Consequently, there is not a greatest whole number.Remark: One may consider that infinite is the greatest whole number (without such an above contradiction, since infinite+1=infinite), however infinite is not defined to be a whole number.

What is the greatest 2 digit even number?

The greatest 2-digit even number is 98

Can two odd numbers have a greatest common factor that is an even number?

No. Because both numbers are even, they each have 2 as a factor. Even if they have a larger factor in common, it will be a multiple of 2, so the greatest common factor will be an even number.Yes. Two even numbers are each divisible by 2. The GCF must therefore always have two as one of its factors; this makes it even.

Is 62300000 an Even number?

Look at the last digit. If it is even, the whole number is even. If it is odd, the whole number is odd.

I am a four digit whole number each digit is a even number all the digit are different you are the greatest number that ca be describe that way what are you?

Some confusion as to whether it is "I" or "you". The number in question is 8642

Is 84 a even number?

If the last digit is an even number, the whole number is an even number.

Is the Greatest common factor of an even number and an odd number even?


What is the greatest even square number that is less than 300?

256 is the greatest even square number that is less than 300.