Odd: it is 99.
The smallest 5 digit odd number is: 10001 The greatest 4 digit even number is: 9998 Subtracting 9998 from 10001 gives you 3.
Look at the last digit. If the last digit of a number is even, the whole number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.
Odd and a multiple of three- 999
99 is a two digit odd number
999 is the greatest 3 digit number and it is odd because it ends with a 9.
Odd: it is 99.
The smallest 5 digit odd number is: 10001 The greatest 4 digit even number is: 9998 Subtracting 9998 from 10001 gives you 3.
Look at the last digit. If the last digit of a number is even, the whole number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.
Odd and a multiple of three- 999
Look at the last digit. If a number's last digit is even, the number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.
Look at the last digit. If the last digit is even, the number is even. If the last digit is odd, the number is odd.
Look at the last digit. If it is even, the entire number is even. If the last digit is odd, the entire number is odd.
Look at the last digit. If the last digit is even, the entire number is even. If the last digit is odd, the entire number is odd.