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the horizontal axis is known as the x axis

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Q: Is the horizontal axis known as the ordinate?
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In a line graph the horizontal axis is also called the?

"The x-axis or the x co-ordinate (also known as the horizontal axis of the graph or its abscissa) is the first element in a pair of co-ordinates. On the other hand, the y-axis or the y co-ordinate (also known as the vertical axis of the graph or its ordinate) is the second element in a pair of co-ordinates."

How do you explain abscissa and ordinate?

The vertical axis of a graph is known as the ordinate and the horizontal axis of a graph is known as the abscissa. So commonly when talking about (x,y) as a point on the graph, we refer to x value as the abscissa and y value as the ordinate.

What is a horizotal axis called?

On a graph, the horizontal axis is known as the x axis, and in a set of two-dimensional co-ordinates, it is the co-ordinate which is plotted first.The vertical axis is known as the y axis, and in a set of two-dimensional co-ordinates, it is the co-ordinate which is plotted second.

This y-axis is also called the?

The y axis is the vertical axis and a y coordinate is the 'ordinate' The x axis is the horizontal and a x coordinate is the 'abscissa'

What is the horizontal line on a coordinate line called?

It is called the "ordinate" axis.

What is the another name for the x-axis?

The abscissa.It as a word that means the X axis, or the distance a point if from it.

Why is the 'X' co-ordinate written first in the co-ordinate of a point?

Because the x axis is horizontal and the y axis is vertical and they both are perpendicular to each other at the point of origin (0, 0)

Which axis on a graph runs horizontal?

The horizontal axis is known as the x-axis.

What is another name for a horizontal axis on a graph?

The horizontal axis is also known as the 'X' axis. The vertical axis is also known as the 'Y' axis.

What are the horizontal axis on a Cartesian plane known as?

The Cartesian plane has only 1 horizontal axis and it is known as the x-axis.

What is the two numbers corresponding to a point in the coordinate plain?

The simple answer is "the coordinates". A more pedantic answer is abscissa along the horizontal axis and ordinate on the vertical axis.

Describe the location of the point having the following coordinates. nonzero abscissa negative ordinate?

On or below the horizontal axis.