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The simple answer is "the coordinates". A more pedantic answer is abscissa along the horizontal axis and ordinate on the vertical axis.

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Q: What is the two numbers corresponding to a point in the coordinate plain?
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What is the number corresponding to a point on a number line?


What is a pair of numbers used to locate a point?

A pair of numbers used to locate a point is known as a coordinate pair. In the ordinary number plain this might be (0,0) or (1.5, 4) Any two coordinate pairs allow you to define a line. Higher numbers of coordinate pairs allow you to define shapes or paths

What is the point at the center of the coordinate plain?

The origin, at (0,0)

Numbers on the coordinate plane?

An ordered pair of numbers on the coordinate plane denotes a point.

What is used to locate a point on a coordinate plain?

Often Ordered pairs are used to do that

A pair of numbers that can be used to locate a point on a coordinate plane?

The pair of numbers you can use to locate a point on a coordinate plane would be called the ordered pair. Used on maps and on graphs to locate the point.

How does one use a coordinate grid?

A coordinate grid is made of up a horizontal X-axis and a vertical Y-axis. One uses the numbers along each axis to plot points. Points are listed as coordinates in an (X, Y) format. To graph a point on a coordinate grid you need to mark the point at which the X value and Y value intersect. For example, if you had a given point of (2, 5), you would find the line corresponding to 2 on the X-axis and you would find the line corresponding to 5 on the Y-axis. Wherever these two lines cross on the coordinate grid, you make a point. Simple as that!

One of the numbers that describe the position of a point on a plane?


What is a pair of numbers that indicate the position of a point on the plane?


What does coordinate mean in math?

A coordinate is a specific point on a plane, usually dictated by two sets of numbers.

What is a pair of numbers that tells where a point is on a coordinate grid?

The pair of numbers are called the coordinates.

What is the X coordinate of the point 5 6?

If two numbers are given, the first one is usually the x-coordinate, the second, the y-coordinate.