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Q: Is the independent variable the one that changes by itself?
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What is the name for something that changes during an experiment?

All factors in an expermient are called variables. The variable you can change yourself is called the independent variable; the one you expect to change and monitor accordingly (and where you get your results from) is called the dependent variable.

Is a dependent variable one that changes depending on the independent variable?


The one factor that a scientist changes during an experiment also called independent variable?

Yes, the one factor that a scientist changes during an experiment is also called an independent variable.

What is the one factor in an experiment that results from or depends on changes to the independent variable?

The dependent variable.

What does independent variables in science?

Hello, Well what you would be looking for is what an independent variable means. Assuming you understand what a variable is and a dependant variable is, here goes: An independant variable is the variable which you change in an experiment. Note you can only have 1 variable that can change in an experiment and more than one independent variable will result in an unfair experiment. An example is an experiment looking at the growth of trees in the Dark, in a dimly lit room and in the direct sun. The independant variable is the location of the experiment, because this is what is being changed. Simply: The Independent Variable is the variable that is independent and you change. The dependant variable is what changes when the independent variable changes. To conduct an experiment, you will have an independent variable and change that to see how the dependant variable changes with the independent one. Hope I Helped

Is the independent variable the one that does not change?

No, as the name Variable implies, it can and does change. Since it is 'Independent' its change is not a direct effect of the change of any other Variable. Additionally, the independent variable depends on the dependent variable.

How can an independent variable be identified?

It is the quantity that is controlled. The dependent variable is the one that changes accordingly: it depends on the first one.

What is a responding varable?

The dependent (or responding) variable is the one that is observed and likely changes in response to the independent variable.

What does constants variable mean in science?

A constant variable is one that is not the independent variable (the one you are changing) or the dependent variable (the one you change). Constant variables are so named because in order for the experiment to be legitimate, it is expected that the scientist control them, thus keeping them constant across all trials. This ensures that changes in the dependent variable are only the result of changes in the independent variable.

What doe constant mean in science?

A constant variable is one that is not the independent variable (the one you are changing) or the dependent variable (the one you change). Constant variables are so named because in order for the experiment to be legitimate, it is expected that the scientist control them, thus keeping them constant across all trials. This ensures that changes in the dependent variable are only the result of changes in the independent variable.

Definitions of the 3 types of variables in doing an experiment?

The three variable in an experiment are independent, dependent, and controlled. The independent is the variable you control, the dependent is the variable that will change according to the independent. The control is kept constant so they do not affect the dependent.

In an experimental investigation the variable that the researcher changes or manipulates in order to see its effects is called the?

Independent variable, is variable that the experimenter manipulates