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Not necessarily. It will be if it is the only independent variable in the system.

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Q: Is the independent variable the x value?
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What is an independant varible?

An independent variable is one which does not rely on another variable for its value. For example, in the slope intercept form: y = 2x + 3 The x is the independent variable and the y is the dependent variable. The x can be set to anything, therefore it is independent. The value of y is dependent on x for its value.

What is the variable used to predict another variable called?

It is called the independent variable. For example if you are trying to find y: y = x+1 X is the independent variable, and Y is the dependent variable. The value of Y, depends on the value of X.

What is a dependent and independent variable?

It depends on what you are looking at. If you want to look at changes in variable Y when a variable X is changed, then X is the independent variable and Y is the dependent. But if you want to look at changes in X which accompany changes in Y, then Y is the independent variable and X is the dependent.

What is an independent variable in algebra?

The variable which is controlled.On a graph, the independent variable is on the x-axis (horizontal) and the dependent variable is on the y-axis (vertical).When we choose a value of x, the value of y depends on the x-value we chose.For instance, if we record the temperature every hour, time is the independent variable because we control the values. The temperature (which is measured) is the dependent variable because it depends on the time.

Is the independent axis on the x axis?

Generally speaking, yes. The variable x is generally used as the independent variable. And y is generally the variable the depends on the value of x. So in most examples the x axis and the "independent" axis are the same.

What are dependent and independent variable in algebra?

the dependent variable is the y-value. the dependent variable means it relys on another variable for its answer. without the other variable this variable would not exist. the independent variable is the x-value. the independent variable can exist on its own without the dependent variable. i mention x-values and y-values... this is only if you are using an x and y value for your application. there are other applications... like speed... where the dependent variable for speed would be time and the independent variable for speed would be distance. and for acceleration the dependent variable would be speed and the independent variable would be distance.

Is x on a coordinate plane vertical?

The independent variable, or the x-value, is horizontal.

What is meant when you say dependent variable y does not depend on independent variable x?

you can change the value of x to any new value and it has no effect on the value of y.

What does dependent and independent mean in math terms?

A dependent variable is one in whose experimental or analytical value is determined by the value of the independent variable. An independent variable is not determined by any other variable, but rather is an input value. For example in the equation y = 3x y is dependent and determined by the value of the independent variable x

What is the meaning of dipendent variable?

I hope this helps you out a lot. If you are asking what a dependent variable is, here is your answer: A dependent variable is a variable which would be the output of the experiment. The value of the dependent variable depends on the value of the independent variable. If you are asking what a dependent variable does, here is your answer: A dependent variable shows you the output of the experiment. It shows you the independent variable's function. If you have learned that in Math, you should understand. Source(s): I'm a Science and Math whiz.

What is dendent and independent variable?

a dependent variable is one whose value depends on the value of another called the independent variable, as it changes. We often choose y as dependent and x as independent For example in the equation y = 3x + 2 x is independent; whatever you change it to y is dependent upon it If x = 1 y = 5 If x = 2 y = 8

What is independent a dependent variables?

The independent variable is the variable that is altered by the scientist, and the dependent variable's value is dependent on the value of the independent variable.