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Maximum is the highest number in a set of data.

Mode is the number that occurs the most

So they're not the same thing.

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Q: Is the maximum the same as mode the math?
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The minimum and maximum are the same. The mean, median, and mode can be different.

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the median is when you put all the numbers in order from least to greatest and find the middle one the mode is the number that occurs most often and the range is the difference between the minimum and the maximum

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The mode is the number that is most common, so in this case, there is only one number, so therfore, the mode is that number. It that makes sense, of course...

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There is no such thin as modein math. Suggestions: Mode in Math: The mode is the most frequently occurring number in a set of several numbers. Modern Math: Math as it is today.

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The definition of a maximum in math is very simple. A maximum is a number that nothing can exceed in that situation.

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What is similar for the Median and Mode in math?

Median and mode are in mathematics.

What do you do you if there isn't two of the same numbers for mode in math?

Technically, every number that appear once is the mode (multiple modes). In practice however, it is best to not use the mode in this situation. If you divide the data in classes, one of the classes will be the mode of the new variable.