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A landmark in math is referring to the: Mean, Median,Mode and Range. Sometimes it will include the Minimum and Maximum.

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Q: What is the definition of landmark in math?
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The definition of a maximum in math is very simple. A maximum is a number that nothing can exceed in that situation.

What is landmark numbers in math?

I just dont get it I have been out of school a long time I took a 9 year old child in I am having a lot of problems helping him in landmark numbers

What is the math definition for location?

In math, the definition of a location is a point. A point gives a specific position or location on a plane surface.

What are the natural man-made landmarks?

There are no such things. If a landmark is man made, by definition it can not be natural.

What are the natural man made landmarks?

Some examples of natural landmarks are the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest, and the Great Barrier Reef. Man-made landmarks include the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, and the Statue of Liberty. These landmarks are significant and often iconic structures or locations that hold cultural, historical, or geographical importance.