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Q: Is the mean always less than the median?
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What are the characteristics of mean as a measure of central tendency?

One of the characteristics of mean when measuring central tendency is that when there are positively skewed distributions, the mean is always greater than the median. Another characteristic is that when there are negatively skewed distributions, the mean is always less than the median.

How come the mean is less than the median?

If the distribution is not symmetric, the mean will be different from the median. A negatively skewed distribution will have a mean hat is smaller than the median, provided it is unimodal.

What Mode is 100 and mean is less than the median?


Mode is 100 and mean is less than the median?

It is perfectly possible.

When is the mean less than the median?

When the data distribution is negatively skewed.

Can the mean mean be less than the median?

definantly, yes Of course. 1, 2, 3, 40, 50, 60, 82 Mean = 34 Median = 40

Is Mean is more sensitive to skewness than the median?

If the distribution is positively skewed , then the mean will always be the highest estimate of central tendency and the mode will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency (If it is a uni-modal distribution). If the distribution is negatively skewed then mean will always be the lowest estimate of central tendency and the mode will be the highest estimate of central tendency. In both positive and negative skewed distribution the median will always be between the mean and the mode. If a distribution is less symmetrical and more skewed, you are better of using the median over the mean.

How the values of mean and median relate to shape?

The question is how do the mean and median affect the distribution shape. In a normal curve, the mean and median are both in the same point. ( as is the mode) If a distribution is skewed, its tail is either on the right or the left. If a distribution is skewed the median may be a better value to use than the mean since it has less effect on the shape. Also is there are large outliers, the median has less effect and is better to use. So the mean has a bigger effect on the shape many times than the median.

What is the median of the prime numbers less than 40?

The median of the 12 primes less than 40 is 15.

The point of intersection of the less than and more than ogive corresponds to 1.geometric mean 2.mode 3. median 4.none of the above?


What are six numbers where the mode is 100 and the mean is less than the median?

(1, 5, 97, 99, 100, 100) The mode is 100. The median is 98. The mean is 67.

Why use a median instead of average?

The median is less effected by outliers or numbers far outside of the normal range than the mean. See related link.