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Q: Is the median always one of the data values?
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Is it true that the median is always one of the data points in a set of data?

No, it is not necessarily true that the median is always one of the data points in a set of data. The median is found by arranging the data in numerical order and selecting the middle value. This value might be one of the data points, but it could also be the average of two data points if there is an even number of values in the set.

Three values one of which is the median that divide a data set into fourths?


Is the median of a data set always one of the data values?

first off you have to no what the median is the median is the middle number in a group of data if there is no "middle" number ad the two middle numbers together and then divide by 2 example: 1,2,3,4 2+3=5 5 divided by 2 is equal to 2.5 2.5 is your median {note explanaition was for people who might read this question so that they could understand}

If the mean of a set of data is 23 must 23 be one of the data values?

No, for example the set of data 15,20,26,28 has a median that is 20 + 26 /, or 23

Advantages and disadvantages of median in statistics?

MEDIANUse the median to describe the middle of a set of data that does have an outlier.Advantages:• Extreme values (outliers) do not affect the median as strongly as they do the mean.• Useful when comparing sets of data.• It is unique - there is only one answer.Disadvantages:• Not as popular as mean.

In any data set are the median and mean usually very similar in value?

yes they are if you have 0 and 10 the mean is 5 and so is the median. The mean and the median can in fact be the same value. But basically to answer your question, One possible way is that if the values are ascending by 1 in the data set, then the number of values left to the median should be the same as the number of values right to the median. e.g. 6+7+8+9+10 6,7 = 2 terms 9,10 = 2 terms median =8 mode = 8

What are values that divide the data set into four equal parts?

They are called the quartiles. The middle one is also known as the median.

For an odd number of data how is the median computed?

For an odd number of data values, the median is the middle number, the [(n+1)/2]th numberi.e. for 7 data values, (7 +1)/ 2 = 4, and the 4th is the middle value, or median.*For an even number of values, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers,i.e. one-half the sum of the two middle values (add n/2nd value and n/2+1st values and divide by 2).Examples:Median of 1, 3, 2 reordered as 1, 2, 3 = median 2Median of 6, 5, 3, 1 reordered as 1, 3, 5, 6 = median 4 (3+5 divided by 2)

Measurement of qualitative variables using median?

The median shows where the 'middle' of your data is. For qualitative data, this only makes sense when the variable is ordinal. An ordinal variable is one whose values have a natural order, eg never/rarely/sometimes/often/always. If you have nominal data (qualitative data with no order) eg democratic/republican/other, you might find the mode (most common value) useful.

What if the median has 6 values how do you work it out?

A median can have only one value.

A single, extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean?

A single, extremely large value can affect the median more than the mean because One-half of all the data values will fall above the mode, and one-half will fall below the mode. In a data set, the mode will always be unique. The range and midrange are both measures of variation.

Advantages and disadvantages of mean in statistics?

MEDIANUse the median to describe the middle of a set of data that does have an outlier.Advantages:• Extreme values (outliers) do not affect the median as strongly as they do the mean.• Useful when comparing sets of data.• It is unique - there is only one answer.Disadvantages:• Not as popular as mean.