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Q: What number represents the median of the data in the chart?
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Which measure of central tendency represents the middle number in a set of data?

The median.

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Each one. On A tally chart represents 1 Each. Number Represents 5 make. A tally chart

How is the mode different from the median?

the mode and median are completely different the mode is the number that occurs the most and the median is the number in the middle of the data chart ex. 14, 24, 24, 35, 83, 92, 123 the mode is 24 and the median is 35 hope it helped

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data marker

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Which is the middle number in a set of data?

Median .

What do you call the average that represents the exact middle of a set of organized data?

The median is the average that represents the exact middle of a set of organized data.

What is the middle number of a data set called?

it is the median

What is the primary part of excel pictorially represents data?

A Chart.

What is the definition of median in math?

the median is the middle number in a set of data.

What is the middle number in a set of data called?

That is called a median.