Yes. Any set of digits without a fraction or decimal point is a whole number. The
whole numbers are all the numbers you say when you count (or their negatives).
25.31 rounded to the nearest whole number is 25.
It is 25
52 = 25
decimal: .25 whole: 25 fraction: 25/100 or 1/4
The nearest whole number is 25
No, not all whole numbers are 25, but 25 is a whole number.
25 is already a whole number.
Due to the property of uniqueness, the only whole number that equals 25 is 25 itself!
25 IS a whole number: you need do nothing.
Nothing you can do to 25% can ever make it a whole number. In order to be a whole number, it has to be '1' or more, but 25% is only one quarter.
To the nearest whole number, it is 25.
As a whole number, you can write 25 percent as 25%. As a part of a whole number, you'd write 25% of it as .25% or one quarter -- 1/4, of the whole number.
25.31 rounded to the nearest whole number is 25.
It rounds up to 25 as a whole number
Since 25 is a whole number, the answer is 25.
YES !!!!! Think of all numbers to be rational except, those decimal numbers tha go to infinity AND there is no regular order in the decimal digits. pi = 3.141592.... is the most well known irrational number. However. 123.123123123..... Is rational because the decimal digits are in a regular order.