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That word "equals" in there makes it an equation.

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Q: Is the number sentence 8 plus 2 equals 10 an expression or an equation?
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Is a number sentence a expression or equation?

numbers are equation because there are numbers in equation which make numbers equation

What is the relationship between an expression and an equation?

An equation states that an expression is equal to either a number or another expression.The 'equals' sign ( = ) is the tip-off that you have an equation.


A number sentence that equals or that has an equal sign.

Is three times a number plus five equals twenty and expression or an equation?

It is an equation in the form of: 3x+5 = 20 and the value of x works out as 5

What does expression mean in math?

In math expression means when you have a number sentence without an equal sign.A mathematical or algebraic expression is a collection of terms that do not include an equality sign because it is not an equation. A mathematical or algebraic expression is a collection of terms that do not include an equality sign because it is not an equation.

How do you solve six plus the product of four more than a number and three?

6 + (4 + n)*3 is an expression, not an equation. An expression cannot be solved since there is no equals sign in it.

What is five less than a number t equals another number r plus six in an equation?

what im trying to say is i need that sentence in a equation i need it by tomorrow please

What is the value of x given the equation 3x plus 4 plus 5x-6?

Oops! That's not an equation. It has no 'equals' sign ( ' = ' ) in it, so it's just an 'expression' that stands for a number. The number that it stands for depends on the value of 'x', and any time 'x' changes, the value of the expression changes.

What is the expression for x equals 3 and y equals 6?

A mathematical expression in its' most simplistic form, merely assigns a value to a variable. Don't confuse an expression with an equation. An equation requires a solution. An expression cannot be "solved". It only allows you to determine the value of a variable. This is the expression in words "x is equal to 3" (X is the variable which is equal to the constant number 3) This is the expression in numbers "x=3" The expression in words "y is equal to 6" (Y is the variable which is equal to the constant number 6) The expression in numbers is "y=6" I hope you understand now.

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Write the word sentence as an equation. 54 equals 9 more than a number t?

t + 9 = 54

Is a number an expression equation or inequality?

A number is an expression. It is not an equation, or an inequality, since it doesn't have an equal sign, or an inequality (greater than, less than, etc.) sign.