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I just learned yesterday in lecture, that the center of a tornado is actually a deadly vacuum, relative to the atmosphere around it. Now, hurricane's are on a much larger scale, but the same mechanics should apply.

The center of a hurricane will be lower than atmospheric pressure. (Atmospheric being 1 ATM, 101.3 kPa or 760 mmHg)

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Q: Is the pressure at the centre of a hurricane greater than or the same as or less than the pressure well away from the centre?
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What causes a hurricane to spin?

A hurricane spins due to the Earth's rotation, a phenomenon known as the Coriolis effect. As air moves from high pressure to low pressure in a rotating system, the Coriolis effect causes it to curve and generate the spinning motion characteristic of a hurricane.

What is the opposite of a hurricane?

In one sense, a hurricane can be the opposite of itself, in the form of a tropical cyclone.- The reason being that a cyclone occurs south of the equator, while a hurricane occurs north of the equator. Because they are on opposite sides of the equator, they spin in different directions. However, they are fundamentally the same thing, "Tropical Revolving Storms", or TRS for short.The opposite in terms of atmospheric phenomena would be a strong high-pressure system, which has greater than normal pressure while the hurricane has a much lower central pressure. Like the cyclones of the southern hemisphere, the northern continental "highs" rotate clockwise, and they move generally east and south (away from the north pole) while hurricanes generally move west and north in the Atlantic and northern Pacific.

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Do you weigh more at sea level or high altitude?

At high altitude; you are further away from Earth's centre of mass, so the distance is greater and the force due to gravity is lessened.

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Hurricanes go over land because they are driven by the warm ocean's energy, causing them to weaken when they move over cooler land surfaces. Once over land, the storm loses its main energy source and starts to dissipate.

What not to do during a hurricane?

Dont panic!..., Dont run away in circles. Dont run toward the hurricane it will kill you!

Did North Dakota got hit by Hurricane Katrina?

No, North Dakota was not hit by Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana in August 2005. North Dakota is located in the northern Midwest region of the United States, far from the Gulf Coast where Hurricane Katrina struck.

Should you put masking tape on windows as a precaution for a hurricane?

No, experts recommend using hurricane shutters or plywood to protect windows during a hurricane. Masking tape is not effective in preventing windows from breaking during a storm and can create dangerous shards of glass if the window does break.

How long is a hurricanes name used for?

Until the hurricane dies away

Why do you have to stay away from the ocean during a hurricane?

YES! Well you should.... In Hurricane Irene people were sitting on the rocks. I mean you can but it is VERY dangerous

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You could try, but it's not very smart to try to run away from a hurricane, because there is no way you could possibly outrun it.

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