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No. If the other number is negative,

then the product is positive.

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Q: Is the product of -1 and any number always negative?
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27 multiplied by any negative number will give a negative product of 27.

What two numbers sum to negative one but have a product?

There are an infinity of possible answers. Let n be any number. Then select negative (n+1). Their sum will always be negative one and they will have the product -n2 -n

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It is negative.

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The product of zero and any number is always 0.

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It is positive. Any product of an even number of negative numbers will be positive, regardless of how many positive numbers you have. Similarly any product of an odd number of negative numbers will be negative, regardless of how many positive numbers you have.

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Any number, negative or positive, can be expressed as a decimal number. So a negative number can always be expressed as a negative decimal.

How can you tell the sign of a product of more than two integers?

If there is any zero in the set of integers, their product is zero.If there is an odd number of negative integers, then the product is negative, whereas if there is an even number of negative values, the product is positive.

When can the square of a negative number be negative?

This can never be. The square of any number will always be positive. Any positive number multiplied by another positive number will be positive, while any negative number multiplied by another negative number will be positive.

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No, the product will always be even.

What is product of a number and 1?

The product of any number x and 1 is always x.

If you multiply a non zero whole number by a decimal less than one would the product be less than or greater than the whole number?

It depends on the signs of the two numbers.The answer is tricky when at least one number is negative because you have to remember that "less than" means "farther to the left on the number line" and NOT "greater in magnitude". E.g. -20 is less than -4 because -20 is farther to the left even though its magnitude (absolute value) is greater.There are four possible cases:Whole number and decimal are both positive: The product is less than the whole number. The decimal reduces the magnitude of the product, so the product is to the left of the whole number on the number line. E.g. 0.5 * 10 = 5, which is less than 10.Whole number positive, decimal negative. The product less than the whole number. A negative times a positive is ALWAYS negative, so regardless of its magnitude the product is to the left of the positive whole number on the number line. E.g. 15 * (-0.2) = -3 and -3 < 15Whole number negative, decimal negative. The product is greater than the whole number. The product is negative but like in Case 1, the magnitude of the product is smaller, so the product is to the right of the whole number on the number line. E.g. (-8) * 0.3 = -2.4 and -8 < -2.4Whole number negative, decimal negative. The product is greater than the whole number. A negative times a negative is positive, and ANY positive number is always greater than any negative number regardless of magnitude. E.g. (-0.25) * (-12) = +3 and -12 < +3

Is the product of a rational number and an irrational number always irrational?

No. 0 is a rational number and the product of 0 and any irrational number will be 0, a rational. Otherwise, though, the product will always be irrational.