No not always because composite numbers can be the product of 2 or more prime factors
Prime factorization is writing a composite number as a product of prime numbers.
A composite number.
Public key encryption is based on composite numbers. In fact it is based on composite numbers which are the product of two very large prime numbers.
No not always because composite numbers can be the product of 2 or more prime factors
The product of two prime numbers is always a composite number, and it never is a prime number.
If you mean the product, that's by definition. A composite number has smaller factors. If you multiply two positive integers, none of which is 1, together, then it follows that the product has smaller factors - namely, the numbers you multiplied together.
Prime factorization is writing a composite number as a product of prime numbers.
A composite number.
Yes, of course. In fact the product of any two numbers is composite unless one of them is 1.
You could try dividing by composite numbers but the number that you are testing is divisible by a composite number, then it will be divisible by a prime factor of that composite number and that prime factor will be smaller. It is always easier to work with smaller numbers.
Showing a composite number as a product of prime numbers is called prime factorization.
Yes, it is always. Assume temporarily that the product of two prime numbers is not always composite. This implies that that at least one product of prime numbers is also prime. Now, say two different prime numbers p and q, when multiplied, equal r. If r is a prime number, then r's only positive factors are 1 and r. But 1 is not a prime number. This contradicts that both p and q are prime (because either p or q MUST be 1). Therefore, the product of two prime numbers is always composite.
I believe it is. A composite number is a number that is the product of two other numbers multiplied, isn't it?
Prime numbers have only two factors: one and themselves. By definition, your product would have more than that: one, the product and at least the two numbers that created the product. It has to be composite.