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Products will be greater unless your number set includes a number less than 1.

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Q: Is the product of mixed numbers greater or less than their factors?
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Is the product of two mixed numbers greater than two factors?


When two mixed numbers are greater than 1 are mulitiplied the product will always be?

The product will be greater than 1, when each of the two factors are greater than 1.

Is the product of two mixed numbers less than between or greater than the two factors?

yes because it is greater than 1

Is the product of two mixed number always greater than 1?

Yes, yes it is. Because a mixed number must have a whole number in it. Therefore, being multiplied only makes it bigger.

Is the product of two positive mixed numbers ever less then 1?

No. A mixed number must be greater than 1, and two numbers that are greater than one that are multiplied together end up being greater that either number by itself.

Is the product of two mixed numbers always greater than either number?

Yes, if both the numbers have the same sign. But not if only one of them is negative.

When multiplying mixed numbers and fractions does changing the order of the factors change the product?

No. The commutative and associative laws are valid for any real numbers.

Which is greater a mixed number or a fraction?

Mixed numbers are greater than proper fractions.

How does the product compare to each factor when multiplying a whole number by any mixed number?

The product will be greater than either of the factors.

Is a mixed number greater than a fraction?

Mixed numbers are greater than proper fractions.

What are the factors of 2 1-9?

Factors refer to whole numbers, not mixed numbers.

When adding with with mixed numbers do list the multiples or factors?
