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yes because it is greater than 1

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Q: Is the product of two mixed numbers less than between or greater than the two factors?
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Is the product of two mixed numbers greater than two factors?


What is the LCM of two numbers that have no common factors greater that 1?

Their product.

What is the LCM of 2 numbers that have no common factors greater than 1?

Their product.

When two mixed numbers are greater than 1 are mulitiplied the product will always be?

The product will be greater than 1, when each of the two factors are greater than 1.

What are 2 numbers that have the LCM of no common factors that are greater than one?

Two numbers that have no common factors greater than one are considered co-prime or relatively prime. Their LCM is their product.

What is the difference between special product and factors?

what are prime numbers

When is a product less than two factors?

If the question is in the context of integers and prime factorisation, then it is the number 1. If the question is about the product of two real numbers, the answer is when both factors are between 0 and 1, or when one of the factors is greater than 1 and the other is negative.

What do you notice about the relationship between the factors and the product when multiplying two decimals less than 1?

The factors are greater than the product.

How can you determine if the least common multiple of 2 numbers is the product of the 2 numbers or less than the product of the 2 numbers?

If the GCF of a given pair of numbers is 1, the LCM will be equal to their product. If the GCF is greater than 1, the LCM will be less than their product. Or, stated another way, if the two numbers have no common prime factors, their LCM will be their product.

What is the least common factor for two numbers if there are no common factors greater than 1?

The least common factor for two numbers is always one. The least common multiple for two numbers which have no common factors greater than one is their product.

How do you know when two pairs of numbers will have an LCM that is less than the product of the numbers?

When their GCF is greater than 1. When they have prime factors in common.