M = a thousand dollars MM = a million dollars (a thousand thousands)
123 mm
The abbreviation "mm" can have many meanings. Perhaps the most commonly used meaning for this abbreviation is "millimeter."
The "mm" is the abbreviation for millimeters. So "12 mm" stands for "12 millimeters"
M = a thousand dollars MM = a million dollars (a thousand thousands)
123 mm
The abbreviation is mm. Answered by: Emilio Aranda_EL Paso, Tx (Emilioa)
That is ' mm'
MM is an abbreviation for million.
mm is the abbreviation for a millmetre/millimeter.
This abbreviation is not correct.A millimetre is mm, a megametre is Mm.
The abbreviation "mm" can have many meanings. Perhaps the most commonly used meaning for this abbreviation is "millimeter."
The "mm" is the abbreviation for millimeters. So "12 mm" stands for "12 millimeters"