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False. 22 = 4

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Q: Is the square of a whole number is always an odd number true or false?
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When you square a whole number you always get an odd number true or false?

False. 22 = 4

Is the square root of a whole number always a whole number?

nope! take the square root of 5, 2.236067978... which is not a whole number! hope this helps!

Is the square number of a whole number always a rational number?

Yes...because a whole number does not have an irrational part to it.

What is the square root of a whole number always?

a positive integer

Is the square of the number always larger than the number?

Yes, if it is a whole number but not if it is a fraction

Is the square root of a whole number always rational number?

No. More frequently it is not.

Can a square root be a whole number?

Yes. The square of a whole number is always a whole number. For example, 3 squared is 9, so the square root of 9 is 3. What you never have, is the square root of a whole number being a fraction that is not a whole number. The square root of a whole number is either a whole number or an irrational number. For example, the square root of 2 is irrational, because there are no 2 whole numbers a and b such that a/b squared is 2. This is not terribly difficult to prove, but I have already said too much; I have answered your question.

Is the square root of a whole number always an integer?

No, it may be not even a rational number. Square root of 2 is 1,414213562... for example.

A number that is square of a whole number?

A perfect square is a rational number equal to the square of a whole number.

Is the square root 16 a whole number or the opposite of a whole number?

The square root of 16 is 4 which is a whole number.

When is the square root of a whole number rational?

When the whole number is a perfect square, ie it is a whole number squared.

Is the square root of 15 a whole number?

The square root of 15 is not a whole number.