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False. 22 = 4

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Q: When you square a whole number you always get an odd number true or false?
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Is the square of a whole number is always an odd number true or false?

False. 22 = 4

Is the square root of a whole number always a whole number?

nope! take the square root of 5, 2.236067978... which is not a whole number! hope this helps!

Is the square number of a whole number always a rational number?

Yes...because a whole number does not have an irrational part to it.

What is the square root of a whole number always?

a positive integer

Is the square of the number always larger than the number?

Yes, if it is a whole number but not if it is a fraction

Is the square root of a whole number always rational number?

No. More frequently it is not.

Can a square root be a whole number?

Yes. The square of a whole number is always a whole number. For example, 3 squared is 9, so the square root of 9 is 3. What you never have, is the square root of a whole number being a fraction that is not a whole number. The square root of a whole number is either a whole number or an irrational number. For example, the square root of 2 is irrational, because there are no 2 whole numbers a and b such that a/b squared is 2. This is not terribly difficult to prove, but I have already said too much; I have answered your question.

Is the square root of a whole number always an integer?

No, it may be not even a rational number. Square root of 2 is 1,414213562... for example.

A number that is square of a whole number?

A perfect square is a rational number equal to the square of a whole number.

Is the square root 16 a whole number or the opposite of a whole number?

The square root of 16 is 4 which is a whole number.

When is the square root of a whole number rational?

When the whole number is a perfect square, ie it is a whole number squared.

The square of an integer will always be an integer?

Yes. The square of an integer is just the number times itself. For any two whole numbers that are multiplied, the answer is always an integer (i.e. no decimals).