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Q: Is the square root of negative 8 a rational number?
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Is negative 100 square root Rational or Irrational?

The square root of 100 is rational since it is not repeating. No. The square root of a negative number is not a real number, but an imaginary number, because no real number squared equals a negative number. The square root of a negative number is a so-called IMAGINARY number

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The square root of 100 is rational since it is not repeating.

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No, it is a complex number.

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-1,0,or 1 the negative square root of four is negative two and the square root of four is two

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No. The square root of -24 isn't even real, let alone rational because the square root of any negative number is going to be an imaginary number.

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The square root of any negative number is not even a 'real' number. It's called 'imaginary', because there's no number you can multiply by itself to get a negative number. The square root of 101 is irrational.

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The negative square root of 49 is -7. -7 is whole, integer, and rational number. It's not a natural or irrational number.

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The square root of negative 64 isn't even a real number. In math and engineering, it's called an "imaginary number".

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Neither. (It is a complex number.)

Is the square root of negative 100 a rational number or an irrational number?

It is neither, it is an imaginary number.