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Yes, it is known as a star, but it is two triangles.It is one upside down triangle on one upward triangle.

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Q: Is the star of David a star or two triangles?
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How many triangles are there total in the Star of David?

There is 8 triangles in the Star of David.

Why were two triangles used for the Star of David?

The Star of David, or Magen David, is composed by overlaying two equiliteral triangles, to form a hexagram, or six-pointed star. The image itself is not Jewish in origin: in the Hellenistic world, hexagrams like this were used by all religions.

Is the Star of David drawn by drawing a triangle and a upside down triangle overlapping it?

A: Yes, but the Star of David is always drawn with two equilateral triangles (meaning a triangle of 3 sides of equal length). This is different from what math and science call a hexagram which is simply a 6 pointed Star Polygon composed of two opposing triangles. For a true Star of David one must draw 2 equilateral triangles of the exact same size. Here are a few definitions to help in your understanding-Star of David (Noun) - a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles; an emblem symbolizing Judaism. - Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal- WordNet 3.0 Dictionary (at The Free of David (or Mogen David) A six-pointed star composed of two equilateral triangles, one superimposed upside down on the other; a symbol of Judaism.- McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (2003)Star of David (n.) an emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size. Also called Magen David- Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 2003 (at the Free of David نجمة داوود - The hexagram formed by the intersection of two equilateral triangles, known today as the Star of David is the most prominent symbol of the state of Israel, and Judaism today, as can be seen on the flag of Israel.- Star of David - Solomon's Seal,

What shape has one hexagon and six triangles?

The first one that comes to mind is the Star of David (Jewish Star).

Geometric shape with 6 triangles and 1 hexagon?

In 3d a hexagonal pyramid. In 2d, two hexagons. Or a six-pointed star (like a Star of David), a parallelogram plus lots more possibilities

Related questions

How many triangles are there total in the Star of David?

There is 8 triangles in the Star of David.

How many triangles in star of David?

If it is in the form of two inverted triangles, then there are 8 triangles. If only the outline is used, there are 0 triangles.

Why were two triangles used for the Star of David?

The Star of David, or Magen David, is composed by overlaying two equiliteral triangles, to form a hexagram, or six-pointed star. The image itself is not Jewish in origin: in the Hellenistic world, hexagrams like this were used by all religions.

Is the Star of David drawn by drawing a triangle and a upside down triangle overlapping it?

A: Yes, but the Star of David is always drawn with two equilateral triangles (meaning a triangle of 3 sides of equal length). This is different from what math and science call a hexagram which is simply a 6 pointed Star Polygon composed of two opposing triangles. For a true Star of David one must draw 2 equilateral triangles of the exact same size. Here are a few definitions to help in your understanding-Star of David (Noun) - a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles; an emblem symbolizing Judaism. - Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal- WordNet 3.0 Dictionary (at The Free of David (or Mogen David) A six-pointed star composed of two equilateral triangles, one superimposed upside down on the other; a symbol of Judaism.- McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (2003)Star of David (n.) an emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size. Also called Magen David- Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 2003 (at the Free of David نجمة داوود - The hexagram formed by the intersection of two equilateral triangles, known today as the Star of David is the most prominent symbol of the state of Israel, and Judaism today, as can be seen on the flag of Israel.- Star of David - Solomon's Seal,

What are the characteristics of a hexagram?

A hexagram is a six-pointed star. It is a combination of two equilateral triangles. It is commonly known as the Star of David or the star that the signifies the Jewish religion.

What is a hexagram?

A hexagram is a six-pointed star, made from two overlapping triangles, one point upwards, the other point downwards. When the two overlapping triangles are both equilateral and the exact same size, then the symbol is also known as the Star of David.

What does the Star of David look like?

The Star of David is a six-pointed star made of two equilateral triangles superimposed on each other. It is a widely recognized symbol of Judaism and is often displayed on flags, synagogues, and Jewish artifacts.

What is the shape of jewish symbol?

The Star of David, known in Hebrew as the Shield of David or Magen David, is a hexagram that combines two equilateral triangles and is usually depicted as blue on a white background.

What does the German decree require the Jews to wear to identify themselfs?

The Yellow Star of David. The gay community was required to wear pink triangles and the communist red triangles.

What is the symbol meaning of the star of David?

It is the six pointed star comprising the two crossed equilateral triangles that in the last two centuries has symbolised Judaism. It is part of the national flag of the state of Israel.

What shape has one hexagon and six triangles?

The first one that comes to mind is the Star of David (Jewish Star).

What is the Creator's Star or David's Star?

David's Star or the star of David is the "symbol" of Israel....You know it mostly for being the STAR worn by the Jews during the holocaust.....2 triangles, 1 pointed up the other down and "laying on one another...