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A: Yes, but the Star of David is always drawn with two equilateral triangles (meaning a triangle of 3 sides of equal length). This is different from what math and science call a hexagram which is simply a 6 pointed Star Polygon composed of two opposing triangles. For a true Star of David one must draw 2 equilateral triangles of the exact same size. Here are a few definitions to help in your understanding-

Star of David (Noun) - a six-pointed star formed from two equilateral triangles; an emblem symbolizing Judaism. - Magen David, Mogen David, Shield of David, Solomon's seal

- WordNet 3.0 Dictionary (at The Free

Star of David (or Mogen David) A six-pointed star composed of two equilateral triangles, one superimposed upside down on the other; a symbol of Judaism.

- McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction (2003)

Star of David (n.) an emblem symbolizing Judaism and consisting of a six-pointed star formed by superimposing one inverted equilateral triangle upon another of equal size. Also called Magen David

- Collins English Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 2003 (at the Free

Star of David نجمة داوود - The hexagram formed by the intersection of two equilateral triangles, known today as the Star of David is the most prominent symbol of the state of Israel, and Judaism today, as can be seen on the flag of Israel.

- Star of David - Solomon's Seal,

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Q: Is the Star of David drawn by drawing a triangle and a upside down triangle overlapping it?
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Is the star of David a star or two triangles?

Yes, it is known as a star, but it is two triangles.It is one upside down triangle on one upward triangle.

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draw a triangle with the 1st point pointing straight up, and draw an upside down version of that on top of the first triangle.

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A Jewish Star is a triangle and an upside-down triangle put together. See an image in the Links below.

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I don't know which way you are picturing it, but I think that you're either on about the star of david or a triforce

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if you are refering to the cross the upright and upside down triangles, that is a star of david-the symbol of judism, it most likekly appears in the bible because the israelites were jewish. it symbolizes the good works of man (upright triangle) and the sisns of man (upside down triangle) i am not 100% because i am not jewish, but i think so

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Star of David (2 equilateral triangles - one upside down from the other). Or a regular hexagon: _ / .\ \_/ Well I tried drawing one with text.

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How do you make a star of David?

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