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Q: Is the statement Cladistic classifications are based on overall similarities of organisms true?
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What consists of a paired statement about the characteristics of different organisms?

A paired statement about the characteristics of different organisms typically highlights similarities and differences between them. This can include features like habitat, behavior, anatomy, life cycle, or adaptation strategies. By comparing and contrasting these traits, we can gain a better understanding of the diversity of life on Earth.

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If you mean, what is it called, a possibility is the main idea.

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they both use questions when a researcher attempts to answer when she/he undertaking a research.

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Organisms with favorable variation reproduce more successfully than organisms with less favorable variations. this statement best describes the concept of?

Survival of the fittest.

What statement could compare a multi-cellular organism to a single celled organism?

Multi cellular organisms are more complicated than unicellular organisms.

What is meant by the statement DNA unites all organisms?

This statement refers to the fact that DNA, the genetic material found in all living organisms, serves as a common molecular blueprint that carries hereditary information and encodes the instructions for the development and functioning of all organisms. By studying DNA, scientists can trace evolutionary relationships between different species and understand the fundamental similarities that exist among all living things.