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Q: Is the tangent to a circle perpindicular to the radius drawn to the point of tangency?
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If a line is tangent to a circle then it is what to the radius drawn at the point of tangency?


Is the tangent of a circle is parallel to the radius drawn to the point of tangency?

Yes it is. Great work!

If a line is tangent to a circle what angle is formed if a radius is drawn to the point of tangency?

90 degrees. QED.

A tangent is to the radius that shares the point of tangency?


A tangent to the radius that shares the point of tangency?


A tangent is what to the radius that shares the point of tangency?


How Are tangents to a circle equal at opposite ends of a diameter?

Tangents ..... are parallel under conditions you gave. A tangent to a circle is perpindicular to the radius (diameter) at the point of contact. 2 lines perpindicular to the same line are parallel.

What does the radius-tangent theorem state?

The radius-tangent theorem is math involving a circle. The radius-tangent theorem states that a line is tangent to a circle if it is perpendicular to the radius of a circle.

What is the measure of an arc intercepted by an angle formed by a tangent and a chord drawn from the point of tangency if the angle measures 40?

4/9*pi*r where r is the radius of the circle.

What is the Radius tangent theorem?

The tangent of a circle always meets the radius of a circle at right angles.

What happens between a radius and a tangent in a circle?

A tangent is always perpendicular to the radius of a circle. A radius is a straight line going from the center of the circle to the circumference (edge) of the circle. A tangent is a straight line outside the circle that touched the circle at one (and only one) point. When a tangent touches the outside edge of the circle at the same point where a radius touches the edge of the circle, the angle between the radius and tangent line is 90 degrees meaning they are perpendicular.

What happens where a radius meets the tangent?

The radius and the tangent are perpendicular at the point on the circle where they meet.