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Q: Is the term for the value that occurs most often in a series of number s?
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Is the score bowled most often called median score?

No. It would be called the mode score.The median is the number that lies halfway when a series is arranged in ascending or descending order.The mode is the number that occurs most frequently. That is, the most common value or, in this case, the score bowled most often.

Which measure of central tendency reports the value that occurs most often?

The mode reports that value that occurs most often.

What is value of the mode in statistics?

It is the value that occurs most often in a set of data.

How do you find the mode when there is no value that occurs the most often?

there is no mode if no value is repeated

The value that occurs most often in a set of data?

The Mode.

What is the value that occurs most often in a set of data?


What value occurs most often in a set of data?


The value that occurs most often in set of data?


What is median and mode of 11 and 74?

42.5 is the median as it is the value halfway between the two or half of their total. There is no mode as there is no number that occurs most often.

What is the statistics value that occurs most often in a set of data?


Which value is larger in frequency?

The value with the higher frequency is the one that occurs more often in a dataset or sample population.

What does mode value mean?

I'm assuming that you mean in a mathematical or statistical way. Mode is the number that occurs most often in a group of numbers. for example if you have a group of numbers 1,2,3,3,4,5,6 then 3 would be the mode because it occurs twice.