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No, PUPPP is just a skin rash developed usually by first time mothers carrying a boy. Usually you will not get it on subsequent pregnancies or if you never had it for your first pregnancy, it's unlikely you will get it on a second. In a sense, its similar to chicken pox- you typically only get it once. I had PUPPP with my son who is now Ten months old and he is perfectly healthy and extremely intelligent. If your child has birth abnormalities- something else is more than likely the cause.

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Q: Is there a correlation between PUPPP and birth defects?
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What is an example of correlation coefficient?

Correlation coefficient My understanding is: two variables as they relate to one another and how accurately you can predict their behavior to one another when together. Basically the strength of the linear association between two variables. When the variables have a tendency to go up and down together, this is a positive correlation coefficient. Variables with a tendency to go up and down in opposition, (one ends up with a high value and the other a low value) this is negatiove correlation coefficient. An example would be the amount of weight a mom gains during pregnancy and the birth weight of the baby

What are the risks of using a steam room?

There are risks involved with using a steam room. This includes heat stroke, dehydration, and birth defects if the woman using the room is pregnant.

What is the death rate in Miami?

The infant mortality rate as of 2010 in Maimi Date is 4.4 deaths/1,000 live births. The leading causes of death among infants are birth defects, pre-term delivery, low birth weight, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and maternal complications during pregnancy.

What is the alpha-fetoprotein test?

The alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test is a blood test that is performed during pregnancy. This screening test measures the level of AFP in the mother's blood and indicates the probability that the fetus has one of several serious birth defects.

Relationship between birth rate death rate and growth rate?

the birth rate is the rate of birth in a population, the death rate is the number of deaths in a population and the growth rate is the growing numbers of the population.

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No he did not have any birth defects.

What are the various birth defects?

There are thousands of identified birth defects. Birth defects are abnormal developments present at birth that can cause physical or mental disability. Some, but not all are fatal.

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yes, it absolutely could harm the baby. there is a strong correlation between such drugs and miscarriage- as well as birth defects, SIDS and other problems! your best bet is to see a doctor ASAP so he can advise you on what to do!

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No; a teratogen is an agent that can cause birth defects.

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A teratogen is an agent that causes birth defects.

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Birth defects are possible in pregnant patients taking Cipro. It has not been proven that Cipro is the cause of the defects, however.

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No. There is no correlation whatsoever between me taking birth control and you doing whatever it is you consider doing.

What are the four categories of birth defects?

The four causes of birth defects are body metabolism,function of structure, and heart.

Can Birth defects be passed down by genes?

Yes, some birth defects can be caused by genetic factors that are passed down from parent to child. These inherited genetic mutations may increase the risk of certain birth defects occurring in future generations. However, not all birth defects are caused by genetics.

Are females more likely to have birth defects?

Actually, males have more birth defects that females. World wide, per 1 female that has a birth defect, 150 males have either died or are suffering from a birth defect.

What are the latest updates on the Tylenol birth defects lawsuit?

As of now, there have been no recent updates on the Tylenol birth defects lawsuit.