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Q: Is there a defense of lineman that runs a 4.5?
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What are roles in football?

The offensive roles in football are the quarterback, who runs the whole show, the running backs who run and catch the ball and the lineman who protect the running backs and quarterbacks from the defense.

How can a defensive lineman help the defense?

By penetrating or taking up two blockers.

How many linemen are in a 3-4 defense?

3 lineman 4 linebackers

Why cant an offensive line man move?

If an offensive lineman moves, a false start penalty will be called. It is not fair to the defense if the lineman moves before the snap because it would give the offense a huge advantage.

Did isaac Murphy play any sports?

Yes he played football, position for offense is right tackle, defense fullback, reciving, and kickoff lineman team. he also played as defense end in punt. he is an allstar in football.

Who runs department of defense?

Robert Gates is the Secretary of Defense.

What is the benefit of winning the Pro Bowl?

The winning team gets a trophy and a certain few selected will get awards. Ex- Best defense lineman

Strongest NFL player?

i'd say haloti ngata of the ravens he runs over offensive lineman

What defense do the indyapolis coilts run?

which nfl team runs a 4 3 defense

When was Wichita Lineman created?

Wichita Lineman was created in 1968-10.

Which offensive lineman won the Heisman Trophy?

One lineman was Leon Hart

When was Tom Lineman born?

Tom Lineman was born on 1991-09-21.