No odd whole numbers have 12 as a factor. 1 and 3 are odd numbers that are factors of 12.
All odd numbers have odd factors.
Of course not. In fact, the greatest common factor of two odd numbers is never 2.-- 2 is never a factor of any odd number.-- The greatest common factor of the odd numbers 651 and 1,085 is 217.
I call them odd.
Even numbers must have 2 amongst their factors; they may have other even numbers amongst their factors. Odd numbers must not; every factor of an odd number must be odd.
No odd whole numbers have 12 as a factor. 1 and 3 are odd numbers that are factors of 12.
All nonzero numbers have factors. Some factors are odd numbers. 3 is an odd factor of 12.
All nonzero numbers have factors. Some factors are odd numbers. The largest of these would be the greatest odd factor. Of course, the greatest odd factor of any odd number is the number itself.
Of course not. In fact, the greatest common factor of two odd numbers is never 2.-- 2 is never a factor of any odd number.-- The greatest common factor of the odd numbers 651 and 1,085 is 217.
All odd numbers have odd factors.
Yes.Yes.2 can never be a factor of an odd number and because of that it can't be a common factor of any number pair where at least one of numbers is odd.
No. Seven is odd, for example, and does not have three as a factor.
No. A few counterexamples include the numbers 1, 5, 7, and 11, which are all odd numbers but of which 3 is not a factor.
All whole numbers have factors.
The product of multiplication results in a number that has all of the factors of the two numbers being multiplied. All even numbers have the prime factor 2. Since no odd number has the factor 2, no product of those numbers can have it. So: - Odd numbers times odd numbers produce odd numbers. - Odd numbers times even numbers produce even numbers. - Even numbers times even numbers produce even numbers.
No. Odd numbers don't have even factors.