No, they stopped making U.S. currency in denominations above $100 in 1945.
In an effort to combat organized crime, President Nixon issued an executive order in 1969 that prevents banks from distributing high-denomination bills, any that they have or receive are to be sent back to the Treasury. The order didn't officially withdraw the bills so technically they're still legal tender but they're long gone from circulation.
No you Ding-dong!
one hundred dollars is equal to twenty times five dollars, but there are NO five dollar bills in a hundred dollar bill.
A US or Canadian nickel is worth 5 cents. A five dollar bill is worth 500 cents. Thus a five dollar bill is equivalent to 100 nickels.
no There's no longer even a thousand dollar bill anymore.
You would get 10 five dollar bills.
The President who was on the thousand dollar bill was Grover Cleveland. The President on the five thousand dollar bill was James Madison.
No you Ding-dong!
President James Madison
not a makable bill
There has never been a fifty thousand dollar bill. A ten thousand dollar bill with Salmon P. Chase on it was the highest.
President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison James Madison was featured on one dollar $1 coin.
A thousand dollar bill is almost the same color in likeness to a 1 dollar bill except for darker designs around the bill.
what is a 1934 thousand dollar bill worth
Abraham Lincoln is on the five dollar bill.
five thousand dollars
President on $1 one dollar bill: George Washington George Washington is also on quarter dollar coin President on $2 two dollar bill: Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson is also on the nickel (5 cent) coin President on $5 five dollar bill: Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln is also on the "penny" (one cent) Face on $10 Ten dollar bill: Alexander Hamilton. He was not a President. President on $20 twenty dollar bill: Andrew Jackson President on $50 fifty dollar bill: Ulysses S. Grant Face on $100 One hundred dollar bill: Benjamin Franklin. He was not a President. Benjamin Franklin is on half dollar coins minted from 1948 to 1963 The following denominations are no longer issued, and are only available from currency dealers: President on $500 five hundred dollar bill: William McKinley President on $1,000 one thousand dollar bill: Grover Cleveland President on $5,000 five thousand dollar bill: James Madison Face on $10,000 Ten thousand dollar bill: Salmon P. Chase. He was not a President President on $100,000 one hundred thousand dollar bill: Woodrow Wilson $1,000,000 dollar bill - does not exist - novelty/joke items only.
Abraham Lincoln is on the five dollar bill.