

Best Answer

Yes. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to one.

Given events that are equally likely to happen, the probability that any given outcome occurs will be equal to the number of specified outcomes, divided by the number of all outcomes.

If events are not equally likely to happen - let's say that Bent-Nose Bill is holding a lottery - then the probability is considerably different. As Damon Runyan put it, "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet"

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Q: Is there a formula for probability problems?
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What is the formula for to determine probability problems?

There is no single formula. There are different formulae for different situations.

What is the formula of probability in math?

There is no single formula for probability, since there are many different aspects to probability.There is no single formula for probability, since there are many different aspects to probability.There is no single formula for probability, since there are many different aspects to probability.There is no single formula for probability, since there are many different aspects to probability.

What is the official formula for probability?

The official formula for probability is x/y.

What is the formula in probability?

Probability equals favorable outcomes divided by total number of outcomes.

What is the formula for probability when you don't know the outcome?

It is the probability distribution function that is relevant for the experiment.

What is the formula for probability?

you divide a 100% by the numerator.

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The formula for finding probability depends on the distribution function.

What are the problems on proportions and probability 1.6?

You cannot since probability can never be greater than 1.

How do you solve problems on probability?

There are many different problems and different ways for solving them.

What is the formula for probability fraction?

Usually, a fraction is already a probability. Like if you roll a die, the probability that you will get a 1 is 1/6. So your probability would be your fraction.

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What is the shape of any uniform probability formula?

It is rectangular.