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There are both golden triangles and golden rectangles. In order to be considered golden the ratio must be the same as the sum of the longest side to the other two sides.

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Q: Is there a golden triangle if there's a golden rectangle?
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How is golden ratio used in architecture?

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How is a rectangle and a triangle the same?

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No, a triangle has 3 sides, a rectangle has 4

How are rectangle and triangle different?

The reason why a rectangle and a triangle is different is because a rectangle has four sides and a triangle has three sides.

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What is measure of vertex angle in a golden triangle?

If you mean the golden rectangle then each of its 4 interior angles measures 90 degrees but if you mean an equilateral triangle then each of its 3 interior angles measures 60 degrees

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No. A triangular pyramid describes a triangle whose base is a triangle (not just the sides which define it as a pyramid), whereas a rectangular pyramid is one whose base is a rectangle. A triangle and a rectangle are not the same (a triangle is not a rectangle, and a rectangle is not a triangle), so it would be incorrect to refer to a triangle-based pyramid as a rectangle pyramid.

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The main difference is that a triangle rectangle cannot exist.

What kind of triangle can be made in a rectangle?

Any kind of triangle can be made in a rectangle.

How many edges does a triangle and rectangle have?

A triangle has three edges; a rectangle has four.

How is a triangle and a rectangle different?

a triangle has 3 sides. a rectangle has 4 sides.