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Yes, there is a method similar to one method for determining square roots.

You can also use logarithms to determine cube roots - more convenient than the algorithm, but still sort of longhand.

Cube root of 5 = 10^(log5/3)

Before calculators this was more of a longhand method since you had to get the logs from a table in your textbook and actually divide by 3 without a calculator.

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Q: Is there a longhand method for finding cube roots?
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How does finding the square root of a number compare to finding the cube root of a number?

The only significant difference that I know of is that there is a method, somewhat like long division, that can be used for finding the square root. I am not aware of a similar process for a cube root.

How do you determine the cube root of 7?

Many calculators will offer a way for you to do cube roots, or what number to the power of 3 will equal that number. There is no easy way to go about finding cube roots without a calculator, so I suggest not trying too hard.. but the cube root of 7 is 1.912931182772389 found from using a simple Cube Root calculator you can find on the internet.

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you are my friend

How do you take roots in maths?

Nowadays many basic calculators will do square roots. Scientific calculators and computers will, of course, do cube roots and other other roots. There are other methods, such as numerical approximations (using the Newton-Raphson method), or logarithms (and antilogs).

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The cube root of 0.064 is 0.4

How do you find cube roots in maths?

Some calculators have a cube root function

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How are positive square roots different?

The answer depends on "different from WHAT?" Positive cube roots, or negative square roots?

Why would I need to use square roots and cube roots?

For school you will need to learn how to find square and cube roots in order to have the needed prerequisites to answer progressively harder and more complex problems.