y-intercept y axis
each # in math can represent a letter Y is second to last letter so Y equals 6.2 or 2.0 it depends on the problem. <3
In math y or any other letter is known as a variable. Because to figure out the problem you must find out the value of y.
Equivalent equation means two equations, x and y,such thatx = y
If you mean what is the name for what x, y, and z when used in math, then the word is variable.
y-intercept y axis
YardWell, you get y from Algebra
y intercept and z intercept
YBP = Years Before Present
One math term is y-axis and or yard
Yule (archaic term for Christmas).
Yuengling is a popular beer. It starts with the letter Y.
A word that starts with y and ends with y is yay .
well the y axis in a graph
Young ice is a weather term referring to newly formed sea or lake ice that is flat and thin. The term begins with the letter y.
What is a word that starts with the letter y that has to do with earth history?
One office supply that starts with the letter "Y" is a yellow highlighter.