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Waiting 6 weeks has nothing to do with the tubal. After a tubal you can have intercourse and be protected right away. Its the C-Section that you need to wait 6 weeks at least for because your body needs to heal. Its no different after you have had a baby vaginally. You still have to wait at least 6 weeks. Hope that helps.

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Q: Is there a reason your Dr told you to wait 6 weeks after your tubal and section?
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What does it mean if your fundus measurement is higher than the number of weeks you are?

Hi! I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant, according to my LMP (and ultrasound). But when I saw my doctor today, she told me my fundus measurement was slightly larger than 29 weeks. (It actually measured about 30 to 31 weeks.) She told me that sometimes the measurement can be larger or smaller depending on the baby's position. !!! RAJordan

If the doctor told you that you can not lift anything over 120 pounds in the next 3 weeks is it ok for you to lift something that is 5 kilograms?


I am 37 weeks pregnant 70 percent ephased what does that mean?

You are almost ready to give birth. You could have asked the RN or the midwife that told you aswell.

How do you write our own word problem that involves dividing 14 by 2?

If I write it, then it will not be your own word problem - it will be mine! In two weeks, the shipper said I'd get the item. I told him I need it in half that time. "How many days is that?" he asked.

What is the probability of A and B telling lie Prob of a telling truth equals 80 percent Prob of b telling truth equals 75 percent?

Chance that A told the truth: 0.8 (80%) Chance that B told the truth: 0.75 (75%) Chance that A told a lie: 1 - 0.8 = 0.2 (20%) Chance that B told a lie: 1 - 0.75 = 0.25 (25%) Chance that both A and B told a lie: 0.2 * 0.25 = 0.05 (5%) Chance that both A and B told the truth: 0.8 * 0.75 = 0.6 (60%) Chance that A told a lie and B told the truth: 0.2 * 0.75 = 0.15 (15%) Chance that A told the truth and B told a lie: 0.8 * 0.25 = 0.2 (20%)

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