

Is there more than one nerve?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: Is there more than one nerve?
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Why are nerve fibers sometims more than a meter in length?

No neuron ever has more than one axon; however in invertebrates such as insects or leeches the axon sometimesconsists of several regions that function more or less

Would you use a myelinated frog nerve an unmyelinated rat nerve or a myelinated rat nerve if you were studying nerve physiology in the laboratory?

tough one to answer really, as all three will give you different nerve conduction velocitys to a stimulus. the unmyelinated rat nerve will obviously be the least conductive, the frog nerve more conductive than that and the myelinated rat nerve more conductive again. But in general, tha main consensus would use a frog nerve, as the frog has been the choice of many a physiology lab for who knows how long.

What consists of one or more bundles of neurons?

A nerve

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No. There are more sensory nerve endings involved in the hands.

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Because Prof.Kodjo thought so

Is approximately 75 of all parasympathetic outflow is provided by the vagus nerve?

Its actually more than 90%.

What kind of tissue is important to carry out electrical impulse to and from the brain?

Nerve tissue, but it does much more than that - there are many nerve circuits that have no connection to the brain, performing their functions locally and unconsciously.

During Buddy Care for a nerve agent casualty no more how autoinjectors will be used?

Never administer more than 3 autoinjectors to a casualty.

What is the structure of a neuron and what kinds of neurons are found in the body?

A neuron has a large cell body that contains the nucleus, threadlike extensions called ­dendrites, and an axon. The dendrites carry impulses toward the neuron's cell body. The axon carries impulses away from the cell body. Nerve impulses begin in a dendrite, move toward the cell body, and then move down the axon. A neuron can have many dendrites, but it has only one axon. An axon, however, can have more than one tip, so the impulse can go to more than one other cell.Axons and dendrites are sometimes called nerve fibers. Nerve fibers are often arranged in parallel bundles covered with connective tissue, something like a package of uncooked spaghetti wrapped in cellophane. A bundle of nerve fibers is called a nerve.

Does it hurt to cut your fingers?

Yes, there are more nerve endings in the fingers than in many other parts of the body.

What is correct When more than one is or When more than one are?

'when more than one are' is the correct phrase.