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Q: Is there such thing as a 5d shape?
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What is the answer to 5d-1 equals -11?

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Would the 5P orbital or 5D orbital have more energy?

The 5D orbital would have more energy than the 5P orbital. This is due to the fact that in general, d orbitals have higher energy than p orbitals because they experience more shielding from inner electrons and have a more complex shape which leads to higher energy.

How do you do 5d-6 equals 9 solved by two step equations?

If: 5d-6 = 9 Then: 5d = 9+6 And: 5d = 15 So: d = 3

What is the answer for 5d(4) math?

It is: 5d(4) = 20d

What is 3 weeks and 5 days times 8?

(3w + 5d) * 8 = 24w + 40d. But 40d = 5w + 5d So answer is 24w + 5w + 5d = 29w + 5d


15d+12y-4y+5d 15d+5d+12y-4y 20d+8y


we do not have any clue of 5D if we cannot go into 4D. 3D going into 4D is impossible. finding out 5D is impossible.

What does 5d or f- mean?

5d means 5 dragons

What does 5d mean on my whirlpool washing machine?

code 5d

Is anyone hiring for office jobs in Huntsville,Alabama?

It looks like it. Here's some results from an Alabama job search site:;city=huntsville;searchType=quick;lastUpdated=-30+days;lastUpdated_i18n_date_array%5Bmonth%5D=1;lastUpdated_i18n_date_array%5Bday%5D=20;lastUpdated_i18n_date_array%5Byear%5D=2010;lastUpdated_i18n_date_mysql=2010-01-20;lastUpdated_i18n%5Bdate_array%5D%5Bmonth%5D=1;lastUpdated_i18n%5Bdate_array%5D%5Bday%5D=20;lastUpdated_i18n%5Bdate_array%5D%5Byear%5D=2010;lastUpdated_i18n%5Bdate_mysql%5D=2010-01-20;lastUpdated_i18n%5Butc_beginning_mysql%5D=2010-01-20+06%3A00%3A00;lastUpdated_i18n%5Butc_end_mysql%5D=2010-01-21+05%3A59%3A59;lastUpdated_i18n%5Btimezone_used_for_conversion%5D=CST

What is the answer of 5d-9 equals -24?

5d - 9 = -24 Therefore, 5d = -15 d = -15/5 d = -3

What is 8d equals 5d plus 18?

8d = 5d+18 8d-5d = 18 3d = 18 d = 6