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Q: Is this True or False that The DOD Has Sovereign Immunity Over Their Own Facilities?
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Who took over Sovereign State Life Insurance Company?

who took over sovereign states insurance company

Can you give me a sentence for the word sovereign?

The king's reign was sovereign over the people. ***If something is sovereign it has complete dominance or authority over what ever it is you're talking about.*** Example: Sometimes in churches you will hear people say God is sovereign...It means he has control over the entire world.. Hope that helps.

Who said over himself over his body and soul individual is sovereign?

This was said by John Stuart Mill, in "Essay On Liberty."The entire quote is "Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign."

Should politicians be granted political immunity?

No! Them wanting immunity is the same as admitting to being a criminal. How can we hold lawmakers accountable if they have immunity? This is a terrible notion, and has tyranny written all over it.

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What does it mean if someone is a sovereign dictator?

If one is a sovereign dictator, one has the absolute authority over a particular geographic area. There is no constitution reining the authority of the sovereign and his rule is not restricted by the laws of his predecessors and custom.

Does Canada have a Sovereign coin?

Yes they do. 'S over in THEIR pocket, NOT in mine...

What is the difference between acquired immunity and innate immunity?

You are born with innate immunity which consists of natural barriers to infection. Acquired is developed after birth when you come into contact with antigens

What is meant by the term sovereign?

Sovereign states are nations that have control over their territories and self-determination politically (except those that are militarily occupied by another).

What is a suzerain?

a sovereign or a state exercising political control over a dependent state.

When you call god sovereign what are you saying about god?

That he is king and ruler over all.

Does Sovereign Bank have locations in England?

No, Sovereign Bank is located solely in the United States of America. Though it has many locations all over the US it has yet to branch out overseas.