The object accelerates.
Reduced atmospheric drag at higher altitudes, Acceleration due to the thrust of the rocket's engine(s).
Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.Double the numerator. If the answer is greater than the denominator then the fraction is greater than half.
Is -3 greater than 3 greater than seven
Is < Less than or Greater than or > Greater than or Less than
The object accelerates.
The car (or plane/whatever else it is) accelerates. This means that it gains speed
When thrust is greater than drag, the aircraft will accelerate and increase its speed. This will lead to a climb in altitude or a change in direction due to the increased force pushing the aircraft forward.
The four basic forces acting on an aircraft are Lift, Weight (Gravity), Thrust, and Drag. In order for an aircraft to ascend, Lift must be greater than Weight, and Thrust must be greater than Drag.
Essentially there are 4 aerodynamic forces that act on an airplane in flight; these are lift, drag, thrust and gravity (or weight).In simple terms, drag is the resistance of air (the backward force), thrust is the power of the airplane's engine (the forward force), lift is the upward force and gravity is the downward force. So for airplanes to fly, the thrust must be greater than the drag and the lift must be greater than the gravity (so as you can see, drag opposes thrust and lift opposes gravity).This is certainly the case when an airplane takes off or climbs. However, when it is in straight and level flight the opposing forces of lift and gravity are balanced. During a descent, gravity exceeds lift and to slow an airplane drag has to overcome thrust.
An object can fly when the forces of lift and thrust are greater than the forces of weight and drag. Lift is generated by the shape of the object (such as wings on an airplane) and thrust is the force that propels the object forward.
Flying occurs because planes have lifted, thrust, dragging force, and that force of gravity. Lift from wings lifts the plane and forces it up, thrust from the engines pushes it ahead, drag slows it down, and gravity that pulls the plane downwards. Overall, when the lift is greater than the weight and the thrust is greater than the drag, the airplane’s engines keep the aircraft off the ground!
Thrust is a force that propels an object forward or upward by expelling gas or fluid in the opposite direction. It can increase the speed of an object if the net force of thrust is greater than the opposing forces like drag or gravity acting on the object.
The opposite of thrust is pull or drag. Thrust involves pushing something forward, while pull or drag involves moving something backward or in the opposite direction.
Lift, weight, thrust and drag.
A hot air balloon does not depend on thrust like an airplane does. It rises due to the buoyancy of the hot air inside the envelope, which is lighter than the surrounding air. Drag does affect the balloon's movement and control, but it is not the primary force that allows it to float.
Thrust is the force produced by an engine to propel an object forward. To overcome drag, an object must generate enough thrust to balance out the drag acting in the opposite direction. By increasing thrust or reducing drag, an object can achieve a higher speed or maintain steady motion in the presence of drag forces.