

Is triangle a symmetric figure

Updated: 11/21/2022
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11y ago

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It can be but it doesn't have to be. Some triangles are symmetrical and others aren't.

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Q: Is triangle a symmetric figure
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What does symmetric figure mean?

A symmetric figure is a figure that is symmetrical. This means that if you fold it in half that both sides will line up. I hope this helped you! :)

Is a triangle a symmetric shape yes or no?

Some triangles are symmetric, while others are not. All equilateral and isosceles triangles are symmetric.all triangles are symmetric.

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Yo, anything that's sides are the same as the other, yo got a symmetric figure. example: a circle

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What math figure has a line its not rational but its symmetrical?

I may not understand your question, but I am thinking of an isosceles right triangle both of whose legs have length one. The hypotenuse has length square root of two which is not rational and the figure is surely axially symmetric.

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