The way to answer this type of question, is to find the lowest common denominator (LCD), and convert the two numbers into that form.
The LCD of 1/3 and 9/10 is obtained by:-
1. multiply the two denominators together. (the denominator is the number that shows the denomination of the fraction, the number at the bottom of the fraction.) This gives you 30 as the LCD.
2. so we convert the two numbers so that both have 30 on the bottom line; we will have :- 10/30 and 27/30 as equivalent to the given numbers.
Obviously 27/30 is bigger than 10/30. So 9/10 is bigger than 1/3.
five over eight is less than nine over ten
five over twelve is bigger than three over eight
Yes. The 3 in 3/4 is bigger than the 4 in 4/5, because the three holds more percent.
15/24 is greater than 3/8.
five over eight is less than nine over ten
5/9 is greater than 8/15
five over twelve is bigger than three over eight
no it is not. 5 is biggr than three. 5 over 8 is bigger
3/4 (12/16) is bigger then 9/16
No, it is not.
Nine over ten because 4 over 5 = 8 over 10 and that is smaller than 9 over 10.
3 over 4 is 6 over 8 and is bigger than 5 over 8.
Yes. The 3 in 3/4 is bigger than the 4 in 4/5, because the three holds more percent.
7/8 is the same as 63/72. 8/9 is the same as 64/72. This means 8/9 is bigger.