Urinating six times a day can just mean that you have consumed plenty of liquids. It is nothing to worry about. If your urine is clear (like water) or yellow-clear, it means that you are very hydrated, which is good. If your urine is pink or brown, then you should consider seeing a doctor.
No,It is not normal to ''Fap'' 5 to 6 tmes a day. If you do, Consult a doctor about your addiction. -Bowie
Yes you can fart 120 times a day it's Isnt exactly normal buy it can happen to anyone
I don't think it's normal. I'm burping around 100-300 times a day. I wanna see a doctor but my mom claims it's normal and I should just drink water, lol which just makes it worse..
It depends on what you considered a day. For example, 12 am to 12 pm is considered daytime, while 12 am to 12 am is considered a full day. Therefore, there could be 12 or 24 hours in a day.
On an analog clock, there is one 5 that is always apparent.On a digital clock, it depends whether or not seconds are displayed. If not, the hours position shows 5 twice per day, the tens of minutes position shows 5 once per hour or 24 times per day, and the minutes position shows 5 six times per hour, which is 144 times per day.2 times/day + 24 times/day + 144 times/day = 170 times/dayIf seconds are displayed, in addition to the 170 times/day you have in the tens of seconds position a 5 once per minute, which is 1440 (60 * 24) times per day, and in the seconds position you have a 5 six times per minute, which is 8640 (1440 * 6) times per day.170 times/day + 1440 times/day + 8640 times/day = 10,250 times/day
it is normal, if you pee in large amounts. but it couldn't hurt to drink some more water.
yes normal poop4-5 times a day yes normal poop4-5 times a day
For someone with a healthy digestive system, up to three bowel movements a day is considered normal. On average, people go once or twice per day.
30 times .
Yes, anywhere from a 28-32 is considered normal.
Yes, one to two times a day is normal. It would not be normal if you did not "stool" at all in a ady.
Yes, it is normal for puppies to poop multiple times a day, usually around 3-5 times depending on their age and diet. If the puppy's stool is consistent, well-formed, and they are not showing signs of illness, this frequency is generally considered normal. It is important to monitor their bathroom habits for any changes or abnormalities.
On average, 2-year-old children may have 1-3 tantrums a day, which is considered normal for their age.
poop 2 times a day, and pee 4 times a day, and fart 14-15 times a day IS NORMAL BELIEVE IT OR NOT
Condensation from an air conditioner is considered normal when it drips around 5-20 gallons of water per day.
At the normal times of the day
Usually about once a day or once every other day. It is very natural for any human (male or female) to urinate at least once per day. It is also normal for a human to only urinate within a few days. That usually only indicates that the person does not have enough fluids in them, which is not a totally bad thing.